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Family Fun

Saturday, Jun. 28
12:00 PM
Centennial Village
1:00 PM
Snake Fight Centennial at Rattlesnake Kate’s House
3:00 PM
Leather Stamping at the Monfort House
5:00 PM
Build a log cabin at the first Weld County Courthouse
Sunday, Jun. 29
12:00 PM
Centennial Village
1:00 PM
Rope Making at the 1890s Chuckwagon
3:00 PM
Outdoor Cooking at the Settler’s Camp
5:00 PM
Firefighter Games at Rattlesnake Kate’s House
Friday, Jul. 4
12:00 PM
Centennial Village
1:00 PM
Reading of the Declaration of Independence in Hanna Square
3:00 PM
Make Rattlesnake Eggs at Rattlesnake Kate’s House
5:00 PM
Explore transportation at the Stagecoach Barn
Saturday, Jul. 5
12:00 PM
Centennial Village
1:00 PM
Cross cut saw demonstration at the Timberwork station
3:00 PM
Create Rubber Band Cars at the Stagecoach Barn
5:00 PM
Outdoor Cooking at the 1890s Chuckwagon
Sunday, Jul. 6
12:00 PM
Centennial Village
1:00 PM
Morse Code Telegraphs at the Stone House
3:00 PM
Popsicle stick Boat Races at the Windmill
4:00 PM
Demo Derby
5:00 PM
Storytime in the Streetcar
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